Our Hair Regimen (2016 Update)

Our Hair Regimen (2016 Update)

Hey Dolls!

This post is an update for our previous hair regimen post back in 2014 here when our hair was transitioning. As months pass we developed a new hair regimen because our hair is not the same like two years ago. Everyone as grown skeptic on whether they should have a hair regimen or not. Everyone has a regimen you might not know it but you do wash your hair accordingly and moisture it in a time frame, it could be every month you wash your hair or every week it doesn’t matter its still a regimen.

Our Hair regimen routine:

  • Weekly wash on Saturday or Sunday if were lazy we use: Shampoo, condition and Deep conditioner
  • Every Other day we moisture our hair: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Protein Treatment: Every 3 months
  • Trims: Twice a year
  • Nightly Protection: Silk or Satin hair cover/Pillowcase

We make Hair DIY’s occasionally

DIY Hair Strengthen Masque

DIY Hair Mask

DIY Hair Colour Booster

Other Hair Post:

Deep Conditioners Review

Xo “Nique ♥

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