DIY Off-Shoulder Top

DIY Off-Shoulder Top

Hey Loves!

For the first time ever I’ve made a top and wore it I feel so good. I tried multiple times to redesign my clothes but always fail. So I took it upon my self to try and create an Off-Shoulder Top that I’ve seen all the girls wearing on social media. Theirs are purchased ones you can get on any online store but why go out and buy a $20 blouse when you can make it yourself for $5-10. No sewing machine needed.

All you need is

1. A T-shirt any size to fit you.
2. 1/4 inch Elastic
3. Scissors/ Razor
4. Safety Pin
5. Marker and Ruler
6. Needle and Thread


When you get the T-shirt all you need to do is spread it out flat on something like your bed, floor or little work area. I have it on my bed as you can see I got a marker (that’s pretty much a eyeliner pencil but whatever use what you got) and a ruler to line up where I want to cut the shirt I turn my shirt on the inside to mark it. The bottom piece that got the line that’s how long I wanted my blouse you can always make it shorter by holding it above your boobs and look down to where you want it then you pinch the sides while holding it in your hand and placing it back on the bed then you start to mark and rule it up.




At this step I’m truly sorry about the blur picture I thought it was focused and I didn’t get a chance to retake it but I want you guys to see exactly whats going on. At this point I cut the shirt in half or little more than a half and also cut the sleeves and turn the shirt upside down because your actually going to use the hem-stitched part to put the elastic through. If you choose not to use that part you can always use a sewing machine to hem the part that you cut or even if your good at sewing you can hem that part for yourself.I used the already hem-stitched part its easier.


In this picture you’re seeing a 2 inches elastic I had this weeks ago not using it until now so all I did was cut it down to the 1/4 inch size of the hem-stitched part on the shirt. I use the scissors and slightly slit a hole in the hemmed part of the shirt where I’m going to put the elastic. When you’re ready to put the 1/4 inches elastic in the shirt you put the Safety Pin at the end of the elastic that’s going through the hem-Stitched (fold over stitched part of the blouse) 


I did the same for the sleeves made a slit on the inside the hemmed part of the shirt and pushed the safety pin and elastic through and get thread and needle to stitch the |Elastic together then I stitched the sleeves to the shirt. After all the step all you need to do is like stretch the bottom of the blouse and sleeves to get it to look like my top.



Would you guys love a tutorial of this on my Youtube Channel? If you would love to see that just comment down below and let me know. Im thinking of making a jumpsuit next or long sleeves off shoulder top with the T-shirt so stay tuned for that! More Info: My choker from my store: on Instagram

Xo Nique ♥


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