Hey Everyone!
Today I’ve decided to do a review on my previous Deep Conditioners. I’ve been transitioning my hair to natural since September 3rd 2014. I had relaxed/permed hair for 7 years and i was tired of it. Just the shredding and heat damage and it’s not growing. My hair was at the same stage for 7 years it moved once to armpit length then right back to shoulder length at first i thought it was my hair stylist clipping my hair too much, So i changed to other hair stylers and it was just the same. Last year August i started to watch a lot of youtube naturalistas and realize all of their hair is curly so i wanted that then my natural hair journey began. In the photo below my hair is at 9 months post relaxer as you can see i got little curls and relaxed hair still attached. Hair looks really short for 9 months but it’s the cause of shrinkage. My hair had in Mega Growth deep conditioner at this moment.
Organics Hair Mayonnaise which I use for my relaxed ends when I just started transitioning. The hair mayonnaise help my hair from shredding in some ways. The scent of this product was not the best it smelled like a hospitalize chemical just like what the olive oil hair creme relaxer smelt like. The colour of the creme that was inside was orange and when you wash this out it leaves a very numb feeling to the face and a bitter taste in your mouth if you taste the water.
Read More: Our Hair Regimen

My First Ever Deep Conditioner: Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol Deep Conditioning Creme. I loved this product so much my dad bought it in Atlanta in a store, I’ve been trying so hard to find this product in Jamaica so I could use it again but unfortunately not everything in america is in Jamaica. I love the scent so much, when it’s applied to the hair it’s so soft like its baby hair on your head. I mean it’s so creamy and smooth in texture. It’s very in inexpensive! lol Now that I’ve already highlighted the Pros without knowing.
○ The CONs so far is that the products says to be left on hair for 10mins but honestly it should be left longer for it to do anything to your hair. I leave it on my hair for an hour at least and it leaves my hair soft and shiny for just 3 days. When I realize that was happening I mixed it with Oils and it last for a week. In my opinion this deep conditioner is a great deal for any type of hair!

Macadamia Oil Deep Repairing Masque. My 2nd deep conditioner, The most overrated deep conditioner of all time
lol is not that I’m bashing the brand is just that every natural hair youtuber/blogger talks about this product likes it’s the best thing since slice bread. I really like the product but not as much.
THE PROS of the repairing masque is that it help my hair. My hair was slightly thin and it gave it life. The scent is like fresh coconut hmm Very Amazing Scent i love it! Its creamy and smooth almost looks like whipped cream. It did justice to my hair when it’s applied and after but as few days kicks in everything is gone. trust me my hair sweat a lot but the scent of a conditioner never leaves.
THE CONS of this is that it say should be left on hair for 30mins I leave it for 2hrs. The time period is never enough i got 4b-4c hair so i needed more from macadamia. It’s not cheap my bro bought 2 and paid almost $55 for them and the jar it came in is so small. In my opinion its ONE of the best deep conditioners but it has flaws. Can also be used on any hair type!

Cholesterol hair & Scalp Deep Conditioning Treatment. Yes! if anyone is wondering if i love cholesterol treatments i told you earlier im trying to get the first one my dad bought but no hope. This deep conditioner is the first one I actually bought with my own money, I actually bought 2 lol. The conditioner is a very light weight product at first I didn’t think it was for natural thick hair but as I continue using it I realize it can actually work. I love the scent it almost smelt like a olay soap I’m not sure the scent is barely coming to me. The thing about this product is that I had to mix it will hair because I notice as its rinse out my hair starts to itch but it helped with line of demarcation (this is where the natural and relaxed hair meets).The time was always an issue for me but I’ve learned that the minimum time for a deep conditioner is 30mins and the hair must always be damped before applying. I recommend this product to anyone that’s just starting their natural hair journey trust me it will help with your hair. Not for all hair type 4c ladies definitely not for you! This was bought in a drugstore in Jamaica and i can’t find it online.
Read More: Products that help define Natural Curls

Profectiv Mega Growth Deep Conditioner is just not a blessing upon the nose i swear the owner hates people lol the scent of this product is a NO! The feeling it gives your hair is a blessing let’s talk about that, when this product is applied to my hair it’s almost like its processing it back to be relaxed this deep conditioner reflects on a relaxed/permed side more than the natural.
The conditioner literally stretch my hair and leaves it absolutely shiny. Have you noticed on the cover it has avocado, coconut, shea and olive all mixed up in one that’s amazing. It left my hair feeling great but with an awful smell used my Oils to get rid of that and i was okay for a week.
○ Question is did it helped my hair growth? No. It only stretched it to make it look much longer.
I definitely recommend it for natural who love to flat-iron their hair it gives the length you desire! It’s for all hair type!
I wanted to talk about these one by one but I don’t know it seems like I’m speeding through the products too fast. So if you want me to do a FULL review on just one of them ill definitely do so ♥
Which is my fav: Olive Cholesterol
Which had the greatest scent: Macadamia Oil
Which one does everything you want: Mega Growth
Which would recommend for new transitioners: Cholesterol hair and scalp
Which would you recommend for thick hair girls/boys: Macadamia Oil
Do you have a Favourite deep conditioner or any deep conditioners you’ve used before?? I’d love to try new products. Please tell me in the comments section below Thanks! xox