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simple wash day routine - niquewallace

Hey Naturalistas! ♥

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Do you have a wash day?

My wash day is literally one of the longest day to get through but since recently it became short. Mainly because I cut some of the steps but hey its worth it!. Back story on my hair its 4b-4c fully natural for 2+ years it went through storm because of the constant bleaching and dying but hey i want style something had to give. Wasn’t much a fan of length I prefer healthy hair and if length wanted to come along that would be win for me.

My wash day is always on a sunday, I wash it every 2 weeks so basically twice a month. I know majority of you rest or go to church on this day but not me i rest saturday and work sunday to basically go to work on monday yeah I know its silly.

What do I need on wash day?

The tools/products that I use on wash day are as follows:

  1. Shampoo & Conditioner
  2. Deep Conditioner
  3. Hair oils
  4. Wide tooth comb
  5. Old T-shirt
  6. Leave-in conditioner
  7. Any creamy product

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How I apply these tools and products to my hair as follows:

Step 1. Before shampooing I always oil my scalp with castor oil also is my hair is really dirty I cowash

Step 2. Shampooing twice!Only on the roots No if but nor maybe just do it (if you have short hair thats gonna be hard but hey its better). Most persons say they dont shampoo they dont need to well I like when my hair is strip of products because build up break my face out.

Step 3. Condition once only on the ends. Remeber to use wide tooth comb to part hair in sections and comb though makes it easier for the next step.

Step 4. Apply the deep conditioner from roots to ends making sure alot is on the ends because thats the oldest part of your hair. Let it stay in hair for 30mins to 1 hour, most companies say 5mins but really do they products really work in 5 mins?!

Step 5. Apply oils on roots while deep conditioner is still in hair just to lock in moisture after washing it out.

Step 6. Apply leave-in conditioner and any creame this is basically you doing some of L.O.C method lol said by naturalistas (Liquid, Oils, Creme).

Step 7. Style as usual

Always have a hair regimen for your natural hair/ trainsitioning hair. Click HERE

My Favourite Wash day Hair product brands are;

  1. Lotta body
  2. HASK
  3. Tresemme
  4. Mapleholistics
  5. Dove

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